Monday, October 31, 2016

LG just showcased its brand new all-in-one iris scanning module. The once popular Galaxy Note 7 had two separate cameras sensors for scanning the iris whereas LG will use a single module. This means it will be cleaner aesthetically, but more importantly, this means the size of the module is smaller. An LG official confirmed that the company will start incorporating this into next year’s smartphones, adding that “it is possible” the LG G6 will see an iris-scanner.

via Instagram LG just showcased its brand new all-in-one iris scanning module. The once popular Galaxy Note 7 had two separate cameras sensors for scanning the iris whereas LG will use a single module. This means it will be cleaner aesthetically, but more importantly, this means the size of the module is smaller. An LG official confirmed that the company will start incorporating this into next year’s smartphones, adding that “it is possible” the LG G6 will see an iris-scanner. //

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