Thursday, November 3, 2016

One stigma the Android platform has had to live with is its alleged lack of security compared to iPhone. Adrian Ludwig, Android's director of security, now states that less than 1% of the billions of Android phones contain malware because Android has a built-in Safety Net that scans 400 million devices per day, along with 6 billion apps. When asked whether Google's Pixel phones are as secure as the iPhone, Ludwig replied “for sure” and then added that Android will soon “be better”.

via Instagram One stigma the Android platform has had to live with is its alleged lack of security compared to iPhone. Adrian Ludwig, Android's director of security, now states that less than 1% of the billions of Android phones contain malware because Android has a built-in Safety Net that scans 400 million devices per day, along with 6 billion apps. When asked whether Google's Pixel phones are as secure as the iPhone, Ludwig replied “for sure” and then added that Android will soon “be better”. //

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