Monday, June 29, 2015


We all have been there; having second thoughts immediately after sending an email. Whether it was because of a lack of proof reading or maybe you said something you didn’t mean to. Don’t you wish there was a way to prevent your email from being received? Google has finally provided the answer to one of the most serious email pain points. After six years in the lab, “Undo Send” is finally available for Gmail.
This feature is current only available through the Gmail website but after testing you can be sure that it will make it’s way into the mobile application as well.
undo send
To enable this new feature, you will first need to log into your email account on the Gmail website. Afterwards navigate to your “Settings” pane located directly below your profile picture and you’ll be given the option to “Enable Undo Send.” Additionally you are provided with a drop-down that lets you choose the undo period for the feature: 5, 10, 20 or 30 seconds.
We have ours got set to 30 seconds because it is not too long or short of a time frame plus you can never be too careful. So give the new feature a try and who knows, maybe you will be able to sleep easier knowing you didn’t send that article to your boss with all of those grammatical errors.
UPDATE: The app Inbox which was created by Gmail now supports this “Undo Send” feature in it’s mobile application which also leads us to believe it it definitely make it’s way to the Gmail app as well sometime soon.
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Wednesday, June 24, 2015


That little sticker behind your Samsung Battery is not a spy chip! This is a public service announcement, "Samsung is not using a sticker hidden behind your battery to obtain your content or for government surveillance."

It is easy to fear the unknown. In fact, this is happening right now on Facebook thanks to a few videos going viral of a couple of men pealing back the sticker of a Samsung battery claiming a "disturbing discovery."

This is usually the sort of thing that we would sit back and chuckle about. However, as the videos became more frequent, we decided to inform users instead of just watching them remove unique features from their devices and shouting conspiracy from the internet roof tops.

The sticker behind the Samsung battery is without a doubt a chip but not what some people have come to think. It is called a NFC chip or near field communication. This technology enables devices to establish radio communication with each other by touching the devices together or bringing them with a close proximity. The most popular example of this is Apple Pay or Google Wallet. Many retailers already have contactless terminals that are NFC-based in place, making the transition to mobile payments easy. Other common functions of NFC is called Android Beam which uses this technology to exchange information between two Android phones. We are sure you've seen those Samsung commercials, placing two phones back-to-back and exchanging an item.

It should be known that usually NFC chips are sealed within the plastic backs of most devices. Although, Samsung made the business decision to place this chip behind the battery sticker because they want the user to purchase their specific model for battery replacement.

This is one of the technical things that most people are simply unaware of because it hasn't been made universal among all devices. Unfortunately, when misunderstanding and slight paranoia combine, madness is soon to follow. So please do not attempt to remove the NFC sticker from your batteries. The chip is not acquiring your information in any way no matter what Facebook tells you. Instead try something new and make a mobile payment or two. Who knows, you may find it more convenient than carrying around your purse or wallet. 

Monday, June 22, 2015


Interested in Android Auto? Do you want to use it without buying a new car or in-dash head unit? AutoMate is an app capable of providing any Android user an incredible Android Auto like experience. Watch our video review for all the details.

AutoMate is still in beta right now and the only way to download this application is by joining their Google+ community.
Afterwards you will be granted access into the beta and be given the ability to download the AutoMate app on any Android phone or tablet.
When downloaded, the AutoMate application will walk you through a small tutorial and inform you to enable the notification access. Turn this on and continue to the main home screen. Make your way to the settings of the app for personal adjustments and you are ready to go. You will notice the simplicity of the application right away. 
Enjoy an early look of Android Auto through this app. I know we are.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015


The Next Generation Mobile Networks Alliance states that,
 “5G is an end-to-end ecosystem to enable a fully mobile and connected society. It empowers value creation toward customers and partners, through existing and emerging use cases delivered with consistent experience and enabled by sustainable business models.”

Essentially, LTE is the foundation of the 5G radio access network below 6 GHz while the frequencies from 6 GHz to 100 GHz will explore new technologies in parallel. 5G raises the bar to a massive multiple-input multiple-output technology, a large array of radiating elements that extends the antenna matrix to a new level and takes a leap of faith in wireless network speed and coverage.

The overall goals of 5G technology are to increase capacity by a thousand, support more than a hundred billion connections up to 10 GB/s speeds and keep latency below one millisecond.

The early blueprint of 5G pilot networks mostly comprises of beam-forming technology and small cell base stations. Companies like Nokia, Samsung and Ericsson have launched pilot projects and so far the results have been encouraging.

The wireless industry is broadly targeting 2020 for the widespread deployment of 5G networks.

Sunday, June 7, 2015


Google recently re-released their Google Photos application. They decided to break it away from Google+ and make it a stand alone app with many new features and improvements. 

This new Google photos app offers the user free unlimited storage of all photos and videos. With an auto backup feature from it's Android and now iPhone apps, you don't ever have to worry about saving your photos again. Google is able to provide free unlimited storage through compression. Photos above 16 megapixels or videos over 1080p will be compressed down, although Google states that the visual quality is virtually untouched. Google also gives you the ability to store up to 15GB of your original file resolution for free with the option to purchase more storage. Doing this, Google Photos can help you clear backed up camera content from your device so you never have to worry about deleting to make space.

Visual Search which provides the user the ability to search their photos by people, places or things. For Example, simply search "food" to locate all photos of food even if it doesn't have a description.

Another feature this application provides is called Photos Assistant. This allows the user to create montage movies, interactive stories, collages and more. Transform your photos with simple but powerful photo and video editing tools.

Sum up this new application with the ability to share your photos instantly with shareable links and the usual social media apps. We continue to use this app ourselves and recommend that you try it out for yourself. After short usage of Google Photos, you will find it to become the home for all your organized videos and photos, searchable by the people, places and things that matter to you.

Visit our website or our YouTube Channel to see a video review of this application featuring our publisher, Cody Lopez.