Monday, October 17, 2016

According to new surveys, for the first time, teens are watching YouTube more often than cable TV. The survey shows YouTube inching over cable in daily use with 26% of teens watching every day, whereas only 25% said the same for cable TV. Netflix continues to snag the top spot, with 37% daily, way above its competitors Hulu and Amazon Prime. These results continue two trends: down for cable television and up for online streaming services. Check out our videos at

via Instagram According to new surveys, for the first time, teens are watching YouTube more often than cable TV. The survey shows YouTube inching over cable in daily use with 26% of teens watching every day, whereas only 25% said the same for cable TV. Netflix continues to snag the top spot, with 37% daily, way above its competitors Hulu and Amazon Prime. These results continue two trends: down for cable television and up for online streaming services. Check out our videos at

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