Wednesday, December 28, 2016

The French Ecology Minister has officially opened the world’s first solar road in a small village in Normandy, France. The road is over half-a-mile long with 30,000 square feet of solar panels. It took five years to develop, cost $5.2 million and generates enough electricity to power the street lights. It may not sound too impressive now, however, France has future plans. Once they get costs down and efficiency up, the Minister wants to see the solar panels across highways. But for now, this village is no longer concerned about powering the street lights. The sun handles that.

via Instagram The French Ecology Minister has officially opened the world’s first solar road in a small village in Normandy, France. The road is over half-a-mile long with 30,000 square feet of solar panels. It took five years to develop, cost $5.2 million and generates enough electricity to power the street lights. It may not sound too impressive now, however, France has future plans. Once they get costs down and efficiency up, the Minister wants to see the solar panels across highways. But for now, this village is no longer concerned about powering the street lights. The sun handles that. //

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